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Straw Blower Rental 



Lorain SWCD has received a grant from the 2009 Great Lakes Commission, Great Lakes Basin Program for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control to purchase a commercial Tailgate Straw-Mulcher. This grant is partially funded through a grant provided by the Great Lakes Commission with funds from the United States Department of Agriculture.



Lorain SWCD has purchased the commercial Tailgate Straw-Mulcher to rent to landowners in Lorain County. The mulcher is designed for all mid- to large-scale commercial and residential jobs with a capacity of shooting up to seven tons of straw per hour and shooting up to 35 feet out. Typical coverage is 40-45 bales of straw per acre.

Rental Cost 


The straw blower has been mounted on a trailer for easy transportation. A standard two inch ball hitch is required to tow it - which is not provided by LSWCD. This unit is user-friendly and can be operated easily with a short demonstration by district staff.

  • A cash or check deposit of $100.00 is required prior to use.

  • Rental fee is a minimum of $50.00 per half-day rental (4 hours or less). Time over four (4) hours will be billed at $15.00 per meter hours.

  • Payment for rental is cash or check only. Sales tax will also be collected.

  • Overnight usage – renter must arrange in advance. There is a $200.00 deposit for overnight/weekend usage.

  • If unit is returned with twine entangled in it, your deposit will be withheld. TWINE MUST BE REMOVED FROM BALES BEFORE LOADING INTO THE STRAW BLOWER!

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Lorain County Commissioners logo
Lorain County Conservation District thanks Commissioners
Jeff Riddell

David J. Moore

Martin Gallagher

for their continued support!

Office Contact 

​Telephone: ​440-326-5800



42110 Russia Rd.

Elyria, Ohio 44035


Hours: Monday - Friday 

8am - 4:30pm


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